In Solimix, as we are industrial packaging professionals, we comply 100% with the APQ regulations for the storage of chemical products classified as dangerous. In this new blog post we are going to see some of the most significant details of the text.

Storage of chemical products

The storage conditions for chemical products must meet a series of requirements to ensure the safety of the warehouse as well as to avoid industrial and occupational accidents. Usually small quantities of a wide variety of chemicals are stored. These are often dangerous substances because they contain, for example: explosives, oxidizing agents, flammables, toxic or corrosive substances.

The degree of danger depends on:

    • The perilousness of the stored substance.

    • The quantity stored.

    • The organisation and distribution of the products in the warehouse.

  • The maintenance of the safety conditions of the warehouse and the chemical products stored there.

  • The handling by the operators.

There is a certain risk of explosion due to the possible formation of unstable peroxides or the polymerisation of certain substances. There is also a risk of slow decomposition of substances with gas accumulation that can break the storage container.

On the other hand, at Solimix we remind you that containers containing chemical products can deteriorate with long term storage and they can break. In order to avoid all the above, it is necessary to reduce the stock of stored chemical products and take into account which substances are incompatible with each other so as not to have them in the same space. Everything will result in a greater security of the storage area.

The separation can be done by families of products, taking into account their hazardous characteristics and incompatibilities. For example, toxic, carcinogenic, explosive, pestilential, fetid products… separated from each other.

In short, keeping up-to-date records of products and ensuring that they are always correctly labelled allows us to identify and know the danger in order to prevent accidents at work in the warehouses.