In order to know how and which products to use for cleaning and disinfection in the food industry, the first factor to consider is the nature of the production activity. After all, you cannot use the same solution to remove rust residues as you use to remove organic residues.

However, in this post we are going to focus on what the law says about the use of this type of detergents. Let’s not forget that the main objective is to ensure food safety and security. Let’s get started!

Are there any legislative constraints to food disinfection?

Of course, any cleaning and disinfection products used in the food industry are necessary to maintain safe and optimal conditions and best service in relation to food.

Of course, there are also a number of legislative limitations applicable to disinfectants in the food sector, mainly determined by the uses to which they are put.

What laws apply to disinfection and cleaning in the food industry?

The use of disinfectants, whether on surfaces that do not come into contact with food, or used directly on food, is subject to different EU regulations. These are detailed below.

Food additives

First of all, it should be clarified that detergents would not fall within this scope, as they are not intended for food preservation, but for disinfection.

However, when the purpose of the disinfectant is to prolong the preservative effect of the food, its use is limited to the current legislation on additives. Its legal basis is laid down in Regulation (EC) 1333/2008, on food additives.

Technological adjuvants

There is no specific EU legislation to regulate this type of disinfectants, which generally are used to clean food surfaces of plant origin.

However, harvesting employees must adhere to the hygiene provisions for primary production as laid down in Regulation (EC) 852/2004, taking basic precautions in the subsequent rinsing with drinking water to remove traces of disinfectant products, any detergents and disinfectants from the wash water.

Surface decontaminants for products of animal origin

The legal basis for the use of such disinfectants is laid down in Regulation (EC) 853/2004.

In that regulation specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin are laid down, including any provisions to eliminate surface contamination of meat products.

At present, only lactic acid and hot recycled water are allowed to be used for this purpose.

Phytosanitary products

Regulation (EC) 1107/2009 applies to products intended to protect plants or plant products from all harmful organisms, to improve the preservation of fruit and vegetables, etc.

Are you looking for cleaning and disinfection products for the food industry? At Solimix we have a wide variety of solutions of this type and we give you the best advice, within the current legal framework, so that you can achieve optimum results. Call us!