The Storage of Chemical Products regulation (APQ, for its acronym in Spanish -Almacenamiento de Productos Químicos) sets out the safety policy and standards that must follow all companies involved in the storage of chemical products and solutions that pose health and environmental risks.

In addition, we must bear in mind that loading, unloading, transport, distribution and manufacturing are also included in the package. Generally, companies dedicated to the storage of these chemical formulas also supply them. In this sense, Solimix offers solutions and mixtures, regardless of their state – liquid, gaseous or solid – in strict compliance with the requirements of the APQ regulations for the storage of chemical products and solutions classified as hazardous.

But what exactly is the APQ regulation and how to comply with the quality and safety standards set out in it? In the following lines we offer some keys.

To whom it applies

All activities on which the safety conditions of facilities and installations for the storage, loading, unloading and transfer of hazardous chemicals depend on and are subject to APQ regulations.


The APQ regulation has been applied since 2017. And although it is true that installations active before that date are not obliged to comply with this regulation, it is highly recommended to comply with it, if we want to make a qualitative leap in the safety and service offered.

Important notes in the regulation

Some of the indications contained in the APQ regulation are related to the storage time, for example, during the transport process. Thus, it is established that the load must remain a maximum of 72 hours, 8 days per month and 36 days per year, during the transport process.

It is also essential to prepare a technical report describing in detail the storage and the goods, and to draw up a maintenance plan designating the person responsible for the maintenance and safety of the chemical formulas and installations, as well as a self-protection plan.

Furthermore, in order to identify each product, a classification process must be followed based on labels in accordance with the Chemical Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) regulation. At this point, companies must label each and every chemical product and solution they store.